

About Us....... 2
Johnna.......... 3
Paul............... 5
Lexie.............. 9
Fred.............. 10
Brewery......... 12
Our House..... 17
Travel............. 21


Contact Staff

Design and Editorial:
Johnna Armstrong
Paul Woods
Chief Inspector:


Photo of Johnna
Johnna and exchange student Alex
relaxing on Tobey and Anne's
back deck - May 2006

A little time in India and Nepal has made Johnna see that maybe life isn't necessarily about having just one all-consuming vocation, but she's still in the habit of wanting one anyway.

She has many interests, including books, music, dogs, gardening, birding, languages, traveling, knitting, weaving, traditional rug hooking, yoga, genealogy, and cooking. At the moment, she is obsessed with historical research, and recently published a history of Trains in Shephedstown for the Station at Shepherdstown. Johnna is also researching the people who are buried in the pre-Civil War cemetery near her house; her article about the burial ground was published in the Magazine of the Jefferson County Historical Society.

Johnna is a proud Scotswoman, of the Armstrong Clan, and has let the rest of the tribe know that she would be willing to take on the role as Clan Chieftain (or is it Chieftess?). Unfortunately, no signs of support have been forthcoming. In the meantime, she can often be seen raising her fist in the air and yelling, "Invictus Maneo!" (I remain unvanquished) which is the Armstrong motto.

Lately Johnna is so obsessed with her family tree that no one in the family will talk to her anymore, because all she does is ask them for dates and details about past events.

Because researching her own genealogy leaves her too much free time (ha ha), Johnna is also Co-Coordinator and Webmaster of the NYGenWeb Tompkins County website.